Joining to Documantation and l10n Team

Frank Osterfeld frank.osterfeld at
Tue Feb 21 18:03:06 CET 2006

Hi everyone!

On Tuesday 21 February 2006 17:15, Philip Rodrigues wrote:

> Liviu, since the akregator doc doesn't exist yet, the first thing to do is
> to decide on how to structure the handbook. There's a guide to "what to
> include" at :
> I think the best way to get started would be to write a short introduction
> (what is akregator? what can it do?), and a guide to the basic setup and
> basic usage: what you need to do to set up akregator the first time it's
> used, and how to do the most common tasks with it. Once you've written some
> or all of that, send it along to this list, and I'll make sure it gets
> added to the "official" doc.

In our wiki there is a draft of the Akregator handbook at 

So far it consists of the planned structure, a Getting started section [1]
and a partial description of the configuration options [2] 

The content is of varying quality and needs review, but it makes a good 
starting point I think. The "Getting started" section is the most complete 
one, and is actually only missing screenshots (which Liviu is creating right 
now :) ).

So my suggestion what the next steps should be:

- Review existing stuff, overall structure and "Getting Started" in particular

- Create screenies for "Getting Started" (Liviu is doing it right now)

- Write "Using Akregator" and "Introduction" (I volunteer for the latter)

- convert all to docbook. For the start, we can work in the wiki, when a 
chapter is in a usable state, it could get converted to docbook. Then we can 
do smaller changes to docbook, but don't have to do complete rewrites in 
there. Here we could need of the docbook team, especially in the initial 
conversion of the handbook.




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