A look at GNOME 2.14, comparison to KDE

jos poortvliet jos at mijnkamer.nl
Mon Feb 20 23:17:13 CET 2006

Op maandag 20 februari 2006 22:27, schreef Aaron J. Seigo:
> On Monday 20 February 2006 14:05, jos poortvliet wrote:
> > part of this is because many of them are employed by red hat, sun and
> > novell - and these companies apparently have clear ideas about how a UI
> > must look like.
> sorry, but this is utter bullshit. look at how many of the core kde
> developers are or have been employed by these same people. it's got nothing
> to do with place of employment and everything to do with the emphasis the
> people employed put on various things.

maybe the developers paid by Sun and Red Hat are told to put a certain 
emphasis in their work, and the TT/Suse less so?

i wrote a long mail in bad english about it, but i decided to keep it short: i 
don't know much about this, but generally the feeling one gets from talking 
to developers, reading blogs and comments and seeing news tells me Sun and 
Red Hat try to push Gnome more than KDE is pushed by TT or Suse. the latest 
codedrop from Novell (added a XP-like startmenu, removed 1 of gnome's 
pannels) is just thrown at the gnomes: accept or not. and i'm sure there is 
some push to accept it. Gnome dev's told me the clean interface is there 
thanx to Sun. 

i'm not so much into the development of gnome, but i hear much more moaning 
from gnome devs about this kind of things compared to KDE devs.

i think there is a difference between the amount of influence Trolltech and 
Suse have on KDE, versus the influence of Sun, Red Hat etc on Gnome.

anyway, if i'm wrong, sorry for the confusion...


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