No Bugreports for "old" Versions

Adriaan de Groot groot at
Mon Feb 20 10:11:41 CET 2006

On Mon, 20 Feb 2006, Hartmut Noack wrote:
> 1.) the greatest part of the installed version of KDE works very good
> and includes a few dozens of houres costumizing for my needs.
> 2.) who knows what bugs in other programs do i get, if i upgrade to get
> this thing fixed in digikam

There are three (conflicting) schedules here:

1) the DigiKam release schedule. DigiKam seems to make a release every few 

2) the KDE release schedule; big things happen maybe once a year, with 
point releases in between.

3) Your distro release schedule and update policy.

Since you are using a distro and (presumably) installing packages from it, 
(2) isn't that important to you, but there's an important note about what 
KDE (as a project) and DigiKam (as a project closely associated with KDE) 

 	"KDE (and DigiKam) provide source"

Turning that source into a package suitable for your use is entirely up to 
your distro.

> again: i have the latest official Version of one of the most popular
> distros installed - is it really soo hard to make new versions of
> programs available for at least the distros that are state of the art in
> the real world?

When DigiKam releases a new version, then it is up to *your distro* to 
pick it up and make it available to you. If your distro forces you to 
upgrade the rest of KDE in the process, that's not because KDE or DigiKam 
requires you to, that's because your *distro* does (barring required 
upgrades in kdelibs that DigiKam needs, but I believe DigiKam is fairly 
liberal in what it'll accept). It boils down to: if you use a distro with 
packages, then getting upgrades and whatnot out to you is your *distro's* 
responsibility, not KDE's [1].


[1] However much we'd like distros to roll out bugfixes continually and 
track everything exactly, they just don't. Sometimes, they just break 
stuff gratuitously and leave it that way.

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