No Bugreports for "old" Versions

Brad Hards bradh at
Fri Feb 3 07:30:11 CET 2006

On Friday 03 February 2006 10:26 am, Hartmut Noack wrote:
> The bug is known and someone has mentioned it exactly the same as i
> would have done the existing report was filed for a Version of 0.8.0
> that was named "experimental" i run the official "final"-version 0.8.0
> and the bug is still alive as announced in the bugreport that is marked
> as "closed" and "RESOLVED"
If the bug is fixed, it is fixed - in the KDE source tree. You didn't say 
which bug, so I can't check the exact circumstances.

> > Just for clarification, what is your current version of KDE (and
> > DigiKam)?
> KDE 3.4.2 digikam 0.8.0 KDE is as shipped with the recent Novell Suse
> 10.0 that is, both is the stuff, that is really used out there: no
> normal user installs a complete KDE from anything else than his/her
> Distrorepositories and the most users will use the stuff on their CDs.
KDE 3.5 is out, and is provided by several distros. You have chosen to use a 
different distro. KDE does source releases. If your packages aren't 
available, there is nothing the KDE project can do.

> to avoid misunderstandings here: i do *not* talk about digikam here but
> about the bugtrackingsystem and the policy of KDE regarding the
> question, what is a "recent" version.
A recent release is one in which bug fix releases are still planned - KDE 3.5. 
I think there will only be another KDE 3.4 release if there are serious 
security problems. We cannot fix the code on your computer - only the code in 
the SVN tree. 

If the maintainer of digikam hasn't done a more recent release (perhaps there 
might be a more important bug, or they have no time, whatever) then you just 
have to wait for that release.

> I am absolutely convinced, that KDE would gain trenedous profit from a
> slow-down of releasing new Versions. Release a new Version and watch it
> working for average users for at least 6 - better 12 Months, than
> release a new version and do the same again.
KDE 3.4.0 was released 16 March 2005. KDE 3.5.0 was released 29 November 2005.
About 8.5 months. 

The "point" releases were bug-fixes only. But if a fix was particularly 
intrusive, then maybe it was only fixed in 3.5 (because we obviously don't 
want to destabilise 3.4 when it is supposed to be getting more mature). This 
doesn't directly apply to digikam though - because it isn't part of the main 
KDE release IIRC.

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