HiColor Icon Theme

James Richard Tyrer tyrerj at acm.org
Sat May 28 04:32:09 CEST 2005

Kenneth Wimer <wimer at suse.de> asked me to be the maintainer of the 
HiColor Icon Theme and I agreed to do it.

Since them, I have wasted considerable time on this.

The current situation is that we have HiColor icons that are installed 
as crystalsvg and Crystal icons that are installed as hicolor.

My posting on kde-core-devel:


remains unanswered.

So, it appears that either Jonathan Riddell decided to volunteer to take 
over the job from me without even consulting me or the job no longer exists.

In either case, it appears that I am out of a job and will no longer be 
working on this.  Please do not misunderstand, I am not quiting.  I am 
still very willing to do this job, but I will not waste my time on it.

So, if you want me to do this job, please assure me that I will have the 
authority to do it and that someone won't do things behind my back.  I 
note for the record that if I am to continue with this it is (or would 
be) my intention to try to straighten out the mess and to continue full 
support for the HiColor icon theme according to the written KDE policy:


and the FreeDesktop Standards/icon-theme-spec:



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