Konqueror CRASH 3.4.1 [The need for better quality control]

Brad Hards bradh at frogmouth.net
Mon May 23 10:06:34 CEST 2005

On Mon, 23 May 2005 17:26 pm, James Richard Tyrer wrote:
> > But we just don't have enough man power to wait for anything like
> > that.
> Please try to understand my concept in more depth.  My idea isn't about
> someone else doing the testing (unless that person is an assistant to
> the maintainer).  The idea is that when changes are made that then
> testing should immediately follow in response to the changes.
Are you writing the tests? If not, then please keep the noise down. You cannot 
impose process on a free software development community such as KDE, no 
matter how loud or how long you scream, nor no matter how right you insist 
that you are, nor no matter what names you quote or what figures you can come 
up with. You can only inspire from within, by example, by sweat.  This isn't 
a business, and it isn't industry, and it works a bit different to what you 
might expect if you don't understand the group dynamics.

Note that I believe in testing, and I write them, and I run them on my code. 
And I use valgrind, and write API documentation, and tutorials, because I 
think (as I guess you do) that those things pay off in the long run. But I 
understand why others don't do the same things. 


BTW: please don't call me (or any other developer, individually or in 
aggregate) arrogant again.
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