Hello, all

Dik Takken D.H.J.Takken at phys.uu.nl
Fri Jun 17 12:33:06 CEST 2005

On Fri, 17 Jun 2005, wyldeone wrote:

> My name is Micah Wylde, and I'm interested in helping out with the kde
> project, either directly or indirectly through one of its apps. I'm a

That's always great to hear! The more people giving a helping hand, the 
better KDE wil get.

> high school student, and pretty proficient in C++ and have some
> knowledge of QT. Are there any applications that currently need help?
> I don't care much what it is, just something to do and to help the
> community. Any tips would be greatly appreciated.

I think it's best that you work on an application that you actually use 
personally. There's no better way to learn the strong and weak spots in an 
application than just using it. You can search the bug database for bugs 
and wishes, try to solve them and send in patches. You can get to know the 
code that way.

In case you like to write something new, you might want to take a look at 
the new desktop search technology called Beagle, developed by GNOME 
people. It seems that it has an indexing daemon that runs independently 
from any desktop system. So, it might be possible to write a KDE search 
application that uses Beagle. Beagle can be used by talking to it through 
DBUS. Maybe this requires KDE to support DBUS first, I don't know (planned 
for KDE 4 IIRC). It would be most interesting if someone could get this to 

Of course there's always work needed in other areas like documentation, 
artwork (more / better icons for instance), re-designing dialogs 
to be more intuitive to use (you can do that without writing code, just 
use QT Designer and post your design), and so on.



> -- 
> Micah Wylde
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