Hello, world!

jon sith myspc6000 at yahoo.com
Thu Jun 16 00:30:55 CEST 2005

Hi! My name is Roy Longton, and I'm interested in
helping out with KDE development.  Specifically, I'd
like to help get KDE running on Mac OS X without
relying on Fink (or, at least, relying on Fink as
little as possible).  It's not that I have anything
against Fink--it's a great "pseudo-distro" for us Mac
users--I just like being in control of as much of the
installation as possible.

There is a set of KDE packages in Fink, and before
each package is compiled, there is a huge patch that
is applied before compilation starts.  I'd like to
help the KDE devs in working this patch into the KDE
codebase for the sake of making KDE as cross-platform
as possible.  (Alternatively, I have a little bit of
programming skill that I can use to modify KDE
directly.)  If someone is already doing this, that's
fine; there are other things that I can help with.

Have a nice day! :-)

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