Join the Developers

James Richard Tyrer tyrerj at
Fri Jul 8 05:18:11 CEST 2005

Carlos Leonhard Woelz wrote:
> This kind of discussion you bring up again and again is really not 
> helping kde-quality.

But it is a quality issue if the attitude of developers (the corporate
culture) is hindering quality.  This is on of the things Tom Petters 

> If you have some constructive to say, please do.

I have said constructive things.  You know that.  And you should also 
remember when they were rudely dismissed as non-sense.  Modern quality 
ideas and methods were dismissed as non-sense.

I intended this posting to be constructive.  I realize that it is in my 
usual direct to the point of being blunt way, but I am trying to explain 
what I see as a problem.  The first step is to identify the problem.  I 
really don't have a solution except to say that developers should be 
less arrogant and more nurturing.

IAC, I would like to apply as an apprentice developer and have no idea 
how to do it.  I thought that I had a job as the HiColor maintainer, but 
I guess I made the mistake of not getting it officially from someone in 
charge, so that job doesn't appear to exist.

We have a great opportunity here to do Extreme Programing and make the 
best and most usable DeskTop, but we are blowing it.  I read in the 
trade papers that if the Linux desktop doesn't get its act together that 
we are going to be the losers in a coming battle between Gates and Jobs. 
  I think that they might be correct.

> Otherwise, start a blog and use it for your rants.

Doesn't do much good to blog if the right people don't read it.

> I am in fact astonished with the developers respect and patience in 
> replies to non-constructive emails like this one. This is a big proof
>  of how welcoming KDE is.

Perhaps, but it isn't the same issue.  Remember, MOSFET quit due to the 
attitude I am discussing -- the project lost a great developer.


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