KDE Games and MUD

Max Howell max.howell at methylblue.com
Mon Jan 10 19:26:29 CET 2005

Stefan Strasser wrote:
> Warren Brian Noronha schrieb:
> > I think it would be a good idea to include Kmuddy in the kde games
> > pacakge comment.
> I'm just a user but I'd like to suggest to keep it simple. I'd rather
> _remove_ stuff from the kde dummy packages than add. a new user needs a
> simple environment, not 200 games and 5 media players.

This is absolutely an issue for the distributions. KDE should give CVS to as 
many applications as they can afford, it shouldn't be limited because 
distributions often don't split the kde modules up into individual apps and 

Although it would be hundred times easier for distros if kde was split into 
library modules and app modules (exc. kdebase). But a vocal minority object 
to this for reasons I can't remember.

Anyway absolutely kmuddy should go into CVS, this is the only way that KDE can 
improve, by encouraging developers to become part of the process.

Max Howell; MK, UK; http://www.methylblue.com/

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