Massive Konqueror Regression

David van Hoose david.vanhoose at
Thu Aug 18 16:03:14 CEST 2005

Luke-Jr wrote:
> On Thursday 18 August 2005 03:14, David van Hoose wrote:
>>There needs to be someone that does alpha tests on each patch.
>>Yes, this will take time. Yes, it's a dirty job.
> Are you volunteering to do it?

I would, but I'm starting graduate coursework this month. Sorry.

>>But think about it for a few seconds and you'll come to a realization that
>>if you don't, you'll just have to test it later or wait until a bug is found
>>in it.
> So in other words, KDE devs have to find it or someone else will... The latter 
> sounds better, since there are many more "someone else"s than there are KDE 
> devs ;)

No. What I said is, "make the KDE devs check their code changes with 
regression tests so that the KDE bugzilla doesn't contain 6000+ bugs of 
which 2/3 are still unconfirmed because they don't have time to check 
them out properly." Does this make more sense to you?

>>If you don't believe this to be worthy of the KDE team, then tell me how
>>many confirmed and undconfirmed bugs there are in the database.
> How does that matter? The KDE team has better things to do. Those incapable of 
> developing KDE itself can take on the simple task of testing their favourite 
> broken website... you'll have to do it eventually, might as well do it during 
> alpha releases :)

So what you're saying is that skrew the average end-user; the only thing 
the KDE devs care about is if it works for them. This is how you just 
came across. Is this accurate?


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