Massive Konqueror Regression

David van Hoose david.vanhoose at
Mon Aug 15 14:31:21 CEST 2005

Hi Stephan,

I haven't yet, but I do see that Konqueror has at least one regression, 
so I know your regression tests are inadequate.

David van Hoose

Stephan Kulow wrote:
> Am Sonntag 14 August 2005 23:26 schrieb David van Hoose:
>>Then I'm sorry to say it, but they need to learn how to write regression
>>tests. You create the tests from throwing together an example for EVERY
>>object of concern. It is almost as much work writing the tests initially as
>>it is writing the code of which you are testing. However, it pays off in the
>>long run since you know everything works. How do you think Microsoft does
>>it? Do you honestly think that they blindly release something? No. They test
>>it with homemade examples. If KDE wants to be the best, the KDE team needs
>>to start thinking like a commercial entity when it comes to testing. Coding
>>something, testing it with a few basic examples is not going to make a
>>project great. You need proper regression tests.
> Hi smart ass!
> How come you're subscribed to this list if all you want is putting down other
> people's work? Did you even bother looking at our regression tests?

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