"hacking the social system"

Christian Mueller cmueller at gmx.de
Sat Apr 30 06:34:26 CEST 2005

Am Samstag, 30. April 2005 02:07 schrieb Jesse Haubrich:
> How about a bounty system?  If a user wants something done they can
> offer a bounty.  The committee can establish a forum to handle the
> exchange of communication and money between users and developers.

There has been a recent discussion about this:

It turned out that some developers had serious objections 
against this idea, for example 

- Practical problems (a lot of administration needed, 
  difficult to judge who did the real work,
  bank charges for international transfers, ...)

- Low code quality if a developer is fixated on getting a 
  certain feature done to get the money rather than 
  concentrating on a clean solution. 

- Maintaining a patch once it's integrated may be more 
  work than actually writing it, and more tedious 
  (the wrong person would have gotten the money).

- No one would value the important work on KDE's foundation 
  (the things that made KDE great!) because it isn't directly 
  tied to user-visible features.

- These bounties wouldn't be anywhere near the salary 
  of a professional software developer!  People hack on KDE
  for money to make a living (then you need a real salary, 
  not just little bounties) or for fun.  

  The ones who do it for fun won't be much more motivated 
  by bounties than they already are.  I was a little surprised 
  but there have even been people who said they'd be stopping 
  working on KDE if that bounty system was adopted by KDE proper (IIRC).

> Praise is a good thing, but I'm not sure it's the motivational force for
> most developers?

Fun is a big motivational force for a lot of Open Source developers. 
And I do think that praise and fun are related. :)  


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