[RFC] Icons added, menu guideline conformance improved, additions to toolbars.

James Richard Tyrer tyrerj at acm.org
Thu Apr 21 02:18:41 CEST 2005

I started out just making three icons that I personally wanted for KView 
and KGhostView.  Well, the more I did, the more I thought needed doing. 
  And, then a usable version of KPDF was released.

So, after more work than I had anticipated, I have now gotten this to a 
usable state:


These patches make changes to:


to make the menus more closely conform to the current KDE guidelines, 
and to make changes to the toolbars based on my ideas (since I didn't 
find much in the current guidelines).

And, to add icons, there is one new HiColor and two replacement 
CrystalSVG icons in tar files (including the directory information).

I would appreciate it if anyone would please review this and try it on 
your system before I split these up and submit as bug fixes.

The patches are against the current CVS KDE_3_4_BRANCH.

All suggestions are welcome.

And can anyone please help me with the XML menu '*.rc' files?


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