kde teams and/or maintainer of everything
J. Preiss
auba at auba.de
Thu Sep 9 00:51:27 CEST 2004
Am Mittwoch, 8. September 2004 23:46 schrieb Aaron Seigo:
> On September 8, 2004 9:32, J. Preiss wrote:
> > I am wondering how KDE itself works... is there someone who cares for all
> > packages, someone "above" the single packages?
> we have the "Release Dude" who manages the release schedule and packs up
> the tarballs.
Ok, but he's (sorry Sandra/Stefanie/all the others ;-)...yes, I read the
pages!)/she's responsible for taring or releasing. Nothing else, right?
> > And who is responsible for each package with its projects inside?
> the project maintainers, of which there are many. nearly as many as there
> are applications and packages =)
No, I really mean one step above. Of course there are package maintainers and
sure project maintainers...
Lets get it the other way... I explain you a nice theory, and you tell me the
Once there was a wise old man/woman who said: "I am the god(dess) of empathy,
send me all your code, but put it into single packages before. Do it the
right way and I'll collect it and I'll call it KDE. And sooner or later, when
the walls of windows will fall, our community will raise...
And six men and six women (its a theory!) stand up and said: "Lord, you're
right. We well do so, we will collect useful applications and put them into
packages (if I was better in greek or roman history, this could be get a
really nice stuff for the kde myths).
Ok, back to reality :-( is there a wise old man, who could tell all the others
that it would better to have the one or the other feature? Not in the code
itself, but in the maintaining of the cvs stuff. Like a meta info for
example. Or this make uninstall.
> > I'm asking because now that I posted my kde builder to kde-apps and some
> > people found it ok, it would be great to have some meta information in
> > the cvs tree. I dont know how or what this meta info could be, but it
> > sure would be useful for the other builders like konstruct too (?).
> what sort of meta info? you mention dependencies, but what sort of info
> specifically?
Shortly explained: something like rpm does, but within cvs as files. I dont
(yet) know all depencies of every kde-package. I know there is a package
kdevelop. I think that its translations are inside of i18n. Maybe there is
some documentation inside, but also it could be inside a package called docs.
When I do a make install of i18n with only kdevelop downloaded from cvs,
every translation in every language will be installed. I did not have a look
into the kdearts stuff, but I assume it will be the same there. Or using the
kdeextragear, surely kdeextragear-lib1 is needed... well... isn't it???? If I
had some kind of depency information, I may could resolve them. Before
project [x] is compiled, library [a] is needed. When I install project [b],
translation [f] is needed, but only in selected languages. Something like
I dont know if this is possible at all. Its just a question.
> > The other problem is an uninstall. With qbuildkde you can deselect
> > packages, so they are neither compiled nor installed - ok. But if you
> > just want to have a look at a tool and it doesnt fit your needs, you have
> > a problem. Is there a package where make uninstall is used? Or would it
> > be a problem to add this option?
> `make uninstall` doesn't work for you? you could also look into using
> checkinstall .....
The question was not if make uninstall works for me nor if I'd like to use
checkinstall (heard and read about it, never used before). Exactly the
question is, if there is at least one project which understoods uninstalling,
or if it is useless to look for such projects. If there is no chance that the
uninstall process will be understood, I must use checkinstall - what would be
another depency of my project. I dont think there are that many using it, so
what advantage would it bring? But if, lets say, 5 projects are using
uninstall, the chance will grow that all others could use it to. To get back
to the old wise man: someone may could tell them, that it would be better for
the whole kde process to understand make uninstall.
And these problems araise from the following: its so easy to compile/install
the complete kdeextragear-tree. With the configure option, its even easy to
c/i one package from it. But once you have installed the complete tree, how
do you remove kate (or whatelse)? Now assuming a newbie, compiling and
installing the complete KDE tree, just to see whats in it - he will never be
able to get a small system. And I think thats a pity.
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