Writeup from aKademy

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at kde.org
Wed Sep 1 16:09:29 CEST 2004

On Wednesday 01 September 2004 03:38, Cornelius Schumacher wrote:
> How many artists do we have in KDE per application? How many developers
> and maintainers? Usually the maintainers and developers know much
> better about the requirements and problems of the artwork than the
> artists.

watching the work Ken and Thorsten were putting in at aKademy on art issues, 
i'm wondering if we aren't seeing more participation from the artists. this 
is why i posed the question to the artists first, as they are able to gauge 
their willingness to oversee art issues in KDE.

of course, what i suggested would not mean that a developer or whomever can 
not put icons in an application. we wouldn't have to wait for the artists to 
"get around" to us, but that the artists would be the ones responsible for 
keeping the art coherent and in order with the ability to make final 
decisions in these matters where necessary to keep things consistent and in 
line with our guidelines.

> I really don't like these ideas about giving some formal control about
> applications to anybody. We are still an open source project. Those who
> do the work decide.

this isn't how it works even now, though. we have maintainers of applications 
and they have final say over what happens in the apps/libs they maintain. we 
all work on it cooperatively/chaotically, but the maintainer is responsible 
keeping things "in order" and is expected to keep bad patches out, good 
patches in, bug counts low, etc...

Aaron J. Seigo
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