KDE Test Scripts (was on kde-core-devel)

Benjamin Meyer ben at meyerhome.net
Sat Oct 16 06:13:22 CEST 2004

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Just sending a copy here sense you might not read kde-core-devel

There has been a lot of talk about testing, regression, scripts, automation
etc and I happen to have a script that did one test kinda so a few nights ago 
night I cleaned it up and hacked out a few more test scripts that can be run 
on KDE and made a reportgenerator and put them in kdenonbeta.


The current tests test for really really basic things, but I was overly
surprised just how much they found especially sense the box it ran on hardly
has much of kde-head installed.  For those with more of kde installed I bet
it will find much more.

My machine's report can be found here: 

You will notice that these jobs would make fantastic JJ jobs (unlike 81460).

Things like:
- -ktip.desktop has "[KDE Desktop Entry]" which is deprecated by [Desktop Entry]
- -Name= is not set in share/applications/kde/panel_appearance.desktop!
- -WARNING: Blank Screen .desktop file might be defining Icon= more than once!
- -Image /share/icons/crystalsvg/32x32/apps/kuickshow.png is really 32x29

I know that there is work here and there and so this my attempt at pulling
them all together in actual code rather then just talking about it.

So feel free to add more scripts (there is even a TODO list with a dozen
others that I have already thought of, but there could easily be hundreds).
The scripts can really be anything.  Use F.D.O. tools to validate .desktop
files or any other tools.  Guess this is an attempt at making a massive TODO
list from all the tools/scripts for people to use.

If it becomes useful in the end we could put it in kdesdk and if not than

- -Benjamin Meyer
- -- 
aka icefox
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