Fwd: [Kde-pim] [SUMMARY] Kontact Polishing

Tom Chance lists at tomchance.org.uk
Wed Mar 31 20:01:32 CEST 2004


We could run this as a competition on KDE Look? It could be the KDE Artist 
Quality Team's first project!


On Wednesday 31 Mar 2004 18:29, Allen Winter wrote:
> Sorry, forgot to send this to kde-quality.
> Is anyone interested in creating a brand new, very professional
> looking splash-screen for kontact?  You'll be famous :>
> Regards,
> Allen
> ----------  Forwarded Message  ----------
> Subject: [Kde-pim] [SUMMARY] Kontact Polishing
> Date: Wednesday 31 March 2004 10:50 am
> From: Allen Winter <winterz at verizon.net>
> To: kde-pim at kde.org
> On Saturday 20 March 2004 12:06 pm, Allen Winter wrote:
> > Howdy,
> >
> > Some thoughts on Kontact (from CVS HEAD).   Nothing major.
> >
> > General:
> >  * The splash screen could be prettier.  Is it a good idea to "hard-code"
> >     the components into the image?
> >  * The kontact icon tooltip says "Personal Information Manager".
> >     The tooltip should match the description on the splash? ("Groupware
> > Client"). * I get two Tip-of-the-Days when I start kontact.  The first
> > one seems to be from kmail and the other from korganizer.
> >  * The kontact icon doesn't stand out very well in my light grey panel.
> >     I guess the icon could use a little polish.
> >  * The Todo List and Calendar icons on the left panel area a little too
> > similar.
> >
> > Configuration (Settings->Configure Kontact menu):
> >  * What is the difference between the big Configure button and the
> > Summary configuration?
> >  * General configuration of Kontact's summary view (the Summary
> > configuration) doesn't allow one to add a News Ticker
> >  * Do we even need the big Configure button?
> >  * For kweather configure, can we add the "Lookup your ICAO code" link?
> Summary of the "Kontact Polishing" thread:
> General:
>  * I think the splash screen should be removed.  Nobody has disagreed with
> this opinion so far. If the splash screen stays, Cornelius and I think it
> needs to be  modified so that it does not "hard code" components and the
> Groupware Client text.
>  * The kontact tooltip is correct as is
>  * As of last week's CVS I still get two Tip-of-the-Days.  This is #Bug
> 70107 I voted for this bug to be fixed.
>  * Several people agree that kontact needs a new, snazzier icon.
>     ---> Luke Randall has volunteered to draw a new one.
>     Luke, it would be great if you could do this
>  * People agree that The Todo List and Calendar icons on the left panel
> area are too similar. --> See "Sidebar" discussion below for more on this
> Configuration:
>  * Cornelius explained the difference between the Configure and Summary
> configuations
>  * I suggested that the Configure button be renamed to something like
> "Select Apps to Embed" or "Embedded Applications" or...?   There we no
> comments about my suggestion.
>  * For kweather configuration and the ICAO code lookup...  Martin Köbele
> pointed out that I need to update my kweather from CVS.  I find it strange
> that kweather in is the ktoys module.  Should it be moved to kdepim?? 
> Anyway, I didn't verify Martin's suggestion.
> Sidebar:
>   Luke Randall provided a prototype sidebar snapshot using crystal like
> icons.  Very nice IMHO. Luke changed the metaphor from being
> application-specific to function-specific.
>   Several people argued with changing the metaphor.
>   Also, people argue that the icon style really should match the desktop
> icon style. [Can this be done?]
>   There was no consensus as to how to deal with these issues.
>   Later, in another thread in kdepim-users "Kontact side pane size", 
> Konstantinos Georgokitsos, who has a small display, noted that it would be
> nice to allow side pane settings for: - icons only/ text only / both
>    - small icons (or icon size)
> How to proceed from here?
> Regards,
> Allen
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