When to set VERIFIED in BugZilla?

Henrique Pinto stampede at uai.com.br
Thu Mar 11 13:48:23 CET 2004

> If you mean that the KDE Quality Team is not supposed to
> do Quality  Assurance, then IIUC you would be WRONG.
> If you don't understand what Quality Assurance is: it
> means seeing that the  bugs actually get fixed.  Is it
> your understanding that the KDE Quality  Team isn't going
> to do that?

Not as its main task, at least. If someone wants to lead the
creation of a KDE QA Team, I'm sure the Quality Team will
help, but it was not created with the sole purpose of doing
for KDE.

Perhaps the name for this project was not well-chosen.

PS: I might be wrong about all I said above, but at least
is what I understand from all I've read about this project
to now. Carlos: could you please clarify this?

	Henrique Pinto
	henrique.pinto at kdemail.net
O grande portal dos mineiros

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