Where to report bugs for kwordquiz? [was: Volonteer(s) needed]

Stephen Donovan stephendonovan at stephendonovan.plus.com
Mon Mar 8 19:00:35 CET 2004

On Monday 08 March 2004 17:47, Marc Bächinger wrote:
> Hi Steve,
> > How did you get it to crash ?  Maybe I can have a go see if I can
> > re-produce it.
> 1. Start kwordquiz up
> 2. It opens with no entries in the wordlist.
> 3. Now choose an item from the Menu Go To . It doesn't matter which one but
> do it twice and it crashes. That happens every time i do this (using
> Shortcut F7 , F7 works to)
> (a similar problem arises if you choose Multiple Choice [F8] if you have
> less than three entries in the wordlist)

Hi Marc

Ok just got it to crash.  When I tried it the first time nothing happened hit 
F7 twice with an empty list nothing, added one row to the table, hit F7 got 
the flashcard up fine.

Then I deleted the row from the list so the table was empty again and hit F7 
twice bingo app crashed.  Do you want the BT from my crash?


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