Where to report bugs for kwordquiz? [was: Volonteer(s) needed]

Marc Bächinger mbae at bcwin.ch
Mon Mar 8 18:47:11 CET 2004

Hi Steve, 

> How did you get it to crash ?  Maybe I can have a go see if I can
> re-produce it.

1. Start kwordquiz up
2. It opens with no entries in the wordlist.

3. Now choose an item from the Menu Go To . It doesn't matter which one but do 
it twice and it crashes. That happens every time i do this (using Shortcut 
F7 , F7 works to)

(a similar problem arises if you choose Multiple Choice [F8] if you have less 
than three entries in the wordlist)

If you have at least one entry in the word list it works well, but not with an 
empty one. Simplest workouround would be to disable those Actions if the 
wordlist is empty.

The problem arises somewher in the method 

void KWordQuizApp::updateSession(WQQuiz::QuizType qt)

in the file kwordquiz.cpp

I'll see if i could compile kdeveloper to try debug it to be able to locate it 
more exactly


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