A question for all list members

Stephen Donovan stephendonovan at stephendonovan.plus.com
Mon Mar 8 14:21:17 CET 2004

On Monday 08 March 2004 13:02, Tom Chance wrote:
> Hello,
> If you're looking to get involved with the Quality Team project, I'd like
> to ask you a quick question: Would you find the following pages useful?
> 1) A list of all Quality Teams plus applications
> http://wiki.kdenews.org/tiki-index.php?page=KDE+Quality+Team+Tasklist
> 2) A page for each Quality Team, e.g.
> http://wiki.kdenews.org/tiki-index.php?page=Quality+Team+KDE+PIM
> http://wiki.kdenews.org/tiki-index.php?page=Quality+Team+KDE+Koffice

From my point of view just trying to get started with KDE I would like to see 
a page per module where a developer or someone needing help can post to with 
their contact details whether that be direct mail or mailing list.  

Then when I get a bit of time to do some work I can head to a module I am 
interested and pick a job, mark it as being worked on.  When I have finished 
or it turns out that I can't do it, mark it as done or re-open.  

The result of the work and any other help would need to be taken to the 
relevant irc channel or mailing list.  This would give a beginner like myself 
a quick start.  

My biggest worry for the quality team is that we have more than one person 
doing the same work and thus wasting effort.



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