Quality Teams on the wiki

Mark Berry mark at bx2.net
Mon Mar 8 08:59:18 CET 2004


After getting in and really reading the PIM Tasks page (which looks 
great BTW!), I am wondering if we are going to have WAY to much 
info/tasks for 1 package to try and organize into 1 quality-team task 
project page.  Some of the packages don't logically belong in the same 
package template like PIM does.  Maybe a possible structure such as (off 
top of my head) :

/*Master Task List
(Listing Package, Synopsis and a Sub-Package list)

    /Home Page / Links/
    /KDE Qual Team Contacts / Cordinators/
    /(If no sub-package, the following info will be presented at the
    same level)/


            /Home Page / Links/


                /KDE Qual Team Mentors
                //KDE Qual CONTACTS/ / /Members/


                /KDE Qual Team Mentors
                //KDE Qual CONTACTS/ / /Members/


                /KDE Qual Team Mentors
                //KDE Qual CONTACTS/ / /Members/

(these outlines are very vague and would obviously need great deal of 
expounding... the list at  
http://wiki.kdenews.org/tiki-index.php?page=KDE+Quality+Team+Tasks is a 
GREAT start to fill in the end package or sub package with the list of 
what needs to be done.. ).

Some packages, such as Valgrind would probably not have sub-packages, 
but maybe kdelibs or kdebase is needing enough help that 1 tier of tasks 
won't give that package the justice and hands that it needs.  I am 
worried that it will be hard to rally the help for various sub-packages 
if each package is kept in a single tier.  Also, from the master task 
list of packages, it might be helpful to list a help-needed rating right 
on the main list.  Maybe trip the curiosity of a lurking community 
member to look a bit further into it if they can see at a glance if 
there is a need without having to dive into the various packages/sub 
packages.  I believe the more granular we can make the tasks and the 
simpler we can break it down into nice bite-sized chunks, the easier and 
less threatening it will be for new comers to jump in and find the help 
and information they need to get rolling.

These are only suggestions, and definitely open for 
comment/suggestions.  It's getting quite late and not sure how clear I 
am thinking :D.  I am just worried that we get to far into filling in 
content before deciding on a sane organizational structure for the 
packages of all sizes and needs, it could get unruly and harder to 
change later.




>Yes, that's the idea. I will bring the PIM page to this state, and we can use 
>it as the model.
>Or better yet, I will ask luci for wiki admin rights and will create a 

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