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Carlos, <br>
After getting in and really reading the PIM Tasks page (which looks
great BTW!), I am wondering if we are going to have WAY to much
info/tasks for 1 package to try and organize into 1 quality-team task
project page. Some of the packages don't logically belong in the same
package template like PIM does. Maybe a possible structure such as
(off top of my head) :<br>
<i><b>Master Task List<br>
(Listing Package, Synopsis and a Sub-Package list)<br>
<i>Home Page / Links</i><br>
<i>KDE Qual Team Contacts / Cordinators</i><br>
<i>(If no sub-package, the following info will be presented at the
same level)</i><br>
<blockquote> <b>(IF NEEDED) SUB-PACKAGES:</b><br>
<i>Home Page / Links</i><br>
<blockquote><i>KDE Qual Team Mentors<br>
</i><i>KDE Qual CONTACTS</i> / <i>Members</i><br>
<blockquote><i>KDE Qual Team Mentors<br>
</i><i>KDE Qual CONTACTS</i> / <i>Members</i><br>
<blockquote><i>KDE Qual Team Mentors<br>
</i><i>KDE Qual CONTACTS</i> / <i>Members</i><br>
(these outlines are very vague and would obviously need great deal of
expounding... the list atÂ
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://wiki.kdenews.org/tiki-index.php?page=KDE+Quality+Team+Tasks">http://wiki.kdenews.org/tiki-index.php?page=KDE+Quality+Team+Tasks</a> is a
GREAT start to fill in the end package or sub package with the list of
what needs to be done.. ). <br>
Some packages, such as Valgrind would probably not have sub-packages,
but maybe kdelibs or kdebase is needing enough help that 1 tier of
tasks won't give that package the justice and hands that it needs. I
am worried that it will be hard to rally the help for various
sub-packages if each package is kept in a single tier. Also, from the
master task list of packages, it might be helpful to list a help-needed
rating right on the main list. Maybe trip the curiosity of a lurking
community member to look a bit further into it if they can see at a
glance if there is a need without having to dive into the various
packages/sub packages. I believe the more granular we can make the
tasks and the simpler we can break it down into nice bite-sized chunks,
the easier and less threatening it will be for new comers to jump in
and find the help and information they need to get rolling.<br>
These are only suggestions, and definitely open for
comment/suggestions. It's getting quite late and not sure how clear I
am thinking :D. I am just worried that we get to far into filling in
content before deciding on a sane organizational structure for the
packages of all sizes and needs, it could get unruly and harder to
change later. <br>
<blockquote> </blockquote>
<blockquote cite="mid200403080049.35984.carloswoelz@imap-mail.com"
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Yes, that's the idea. I will bring the PIM page to this state, and we can use
it as the model.
Or better yet, I will ask luci for wiki admin rights and will create a