Quality Teams on the wiki

Mark Berry mark at bx2.net
Mon Mar 8 00:31:10 CET 2004

Hmm... maybe it would help if someone created a quality team template 
that could be used for any project.  It might be easier to distribute 
out a broiler-plate, and see who picks up what and fills in the blanks.

For example, I would be interested in helping test patches for KHTML or 
one of the KDE-PIM projects.  It would be great if someone like me 
looking for a similar task could browse these pages and find a project 
that is in need of help, and more importantly a list of people working 
on that job that they could communicate with to get help getting started. 

Perhaps there is a common set of tasks that could be assigned to each 
major module, and possibly sub-modules for something such as kde-libs.

An idea for a few:

1.  Documentation
    a. Code (comments/doxygen)
    b. Application level (tooltips/help)
    c.  Screenshots
    d.  (Voice overlay/etc for screen movie captures..?)
2.  Testing / Bug validation
3.  Patch Testing
4.  Beginner Projects  (simple tasks/bug fixes?)
5.  Larger projects (??)
6.  Quality-Member contacts. (New Member Mentor?)

Now as a new person trying to get involved, it would definitely help me 
feel more at home with getting familiar with the code and process of the 
community, something as simple as a person you feel your not bugging to 
ask simple questions.  Seeing who the other members of the quality-team 
that are focusing on a  particular project might help in finding a 
mentor to help you get started in getting involved, and less time 
wandering without direction.

Anyway, as a volunteer these are a few things that I would love to see, 
but I guess that it's going to take a bit of work to get things organized.



Carlos Leonhard Woelz wrote:

>On Sunday 07 March 2004 16:16, Tom Chance wrote:
>>I agree that is important to establish people who are interested in
>>maintaining these pages. But I think we need people to start them in the
>>first place to get things moving. Otherwise, I get the feeling that people
>>will post to this list offering help; some will take up specific jobs and
>>do them on their own for some time, whilst others will lose interest and
>>leave; of those who do work, many will get bored and leave; and so on.

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