Quality Teams on the wiki

Frans Englich frans.englich at telia.com
Sun Mar 7 19:05:50 CET 2004

On Sunday 07 March 2004 18:41, Tom Chance wrote:
> Hello again,
> I just thought I'd add that I'm happy to begin and coordinate this
> organisational work until Quality Teams are happily managing it.

Sounds great, Tom.

I agree on your highlighting of core-developer participation. Way too much 
information is tacit knowledge and spread via the mailinglists and IRC. I 
remember myself it was difficult to understand how things were organized, 
what code was supposed to do when the explanations was not in docs but in 
developers (sometimes hard reachable) minds. That's why we need experienced 
people to share their experience, and of course lots of docs and 
guidelines(as we know, a lot have been done in that area).

The social aspect is important too - people shouldn't feel left out or feel 
that core-developer are "unreachable", so people need to say hi :)
This kind of efforts does not have direct outcome but the "boom" comes a 
little later, months, half years...
(It could be good mentioning in the blog the direct relationship between 
contribution and how much contributors feel welcomed/appreciated. So, one 
could take a very pragmatic approach)



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