one more task: get to know kconfedit and let it work for you :-)

Alexander Neundorf neundorf at
Fri Mar 5 20:43:24 CET 2004

Hi all,

Zack Rusin <zack at> sent the following mail:

What we badly (badly) need and what would be trivial to do is have some
people create kcfg files for applications in our CVS. No programming
knowledge is necessary for this task.

Here's what to do:
1) Check out kdenonbeta/kconfedit and compile it and install. Run
"kcfgcreator <name of the application for which you want to create kcfg
2) You'll see a treeview on your left with all the configuration options
for the given application (application has to have an already installed
rc file for this to work). Now go through as many options as you can
and start adding Label and Whats this entries to them.
3) Once you're done save the file and commit it.

Please note that the application itself doesn't need to actually use
kcfg files per-se. The thing is that we need documentation for the
configuration options in order to start retiring a lot of advanced
options which power users want but which confuse the hell out of normal
users. If we have kcfg files with actual documentation then
kconfigeditor will display all the documentation necessary to edit
options. So even if applications won't be using the kcfg files we will
profit immensely from having them installed.

Some applications already do have kcfg files but even in those label and
whatsthis entries are severely lacking, so just load those up in
kcfgcreator and start adding them.

Whoever adds the most will get the honorary title of  "the KDE
Configuration Tamer" and will be allowed to share a bag of cookies with
me on our next conference.


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Work: alexander.neundorf at -
Home: neundorf at                -
      alex at               -

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