KDE Quality action: looking to the future

Tom Chance lists at tomchance.org.uk
Wed Jul 14 13:29:58 CEST 2004

On Wednesday 14 Jul 2004 03:26, Carlos Leonhard Woelz wrote:
> It is hard to see the product of the quality teams, as it is not directed
> to this list, but to the application lists and kde-cvs. So if you want to
> add more stuff to this list, please do so, as I plan to write a follow up
> to attract more people.
> And looking into the future, we could update the tasks pages for the new
> contributors and new release cycle. This was a very good experience with
> kde-pim, I imagine we could do something as good for the other modules.

As you may have noticed, I'm giving a talk on Quality Teams to developers at 
the aKademy this August. I'd appreciate any suggestions on the content of my 
talk from this list, since it'd be better for me to give a talk informed by 
everyone involved with Quality Teams, rather than just my perspective.

I'm intending to use the talk to try and persuade developers to co-operate 
with us. Off the top of my head, that will mean asking them to:

- Keep up-to-date task lists
- Have someone from their team on the quality mailing list
- Think about, and be ready for, contributions in promotion and communication

I'd also like to try and get a bit of a discussion going as to what they think 
they can get out of it, time permitting.

So, yes, I'd value your thoughts :-)


p.s. Carlos - I'd also appreciate it if you could help me pronounce your name 
correctly ;-) A phonetic translation would be nice, e.g. "carlos lenerd 
wolts"? or even an ogg! ;-)

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