
M2George m2george at mweb.co.za
Wed Jul 14 10:18:13 CEST 2004

Herewith my 2c worth.
At the inception of the list I was under the impression that I had found a
place that would help new contributors (i.e.: me) to learn and contribute to
KDE. But all I learned was that none of us plan well enough. Thanks for the
content/tutorials, but once you hit a snag and ask for help, no one replies.
So the failure(hope not) of this list is not only due to the uppity
engineer(who sends others running)  but also all who have eyes on this list.
If this was a place to come for help, it has failed.
And yes this has a corporate*like* structure, but any corporation's worth is
in it's people, so without the right people skills this will not work as


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