Confused? Help Wanted/No Help Wanted

James Richard Tyrer tyrerj at
Wed Dec 29 02:56:27 CET 2004

Datschge wrote:
> On Tuesday 28 December 2004 22:07, James Richard Tyrer wrote:
>>Should I continue to try to work on KDE.
> I suggest you to switch to purely technical step-by-step descriptions 
> for the issues and solutions you try to communicate to others. Those 
> are the easiest to clarify and verify.

Yes, that is what I am best at.

> Also please stop filling your messages with emotional expressions and 
> assumptions, those usually just waste the time of all people involved 
> and don't target nor solve the actual issues at hand.

Yes, I am too emotional.  Probably too old to change my personality (I 
think that I was born with it).  When I submit a correct technical 
explanation and am treated like I was just wasting someones time, it 
does upset me.

OTOH, when people ask me pointed questions, I have learned to just 
presume that they have a Germanic personality and try to give them a 
good answer.

What I expect is that someone will explain to me why my idea is wrong, 
or (preferably) why another idea is better.  It is this type of 
discussion that improves the product.

> Belated Merry Christmas

Thanks, hope yours was better than mine.  My Father fell down.  Had a 
concussion so I had to take him to the hospital (he got out on the 24th) 
and take care of him for two days.


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