about Fundamental issues

James Richard Tyrer tyrerj at acm.org
Wed Apr 21 05:48:50 CEST 2004

Tom Chance wrote:
> On Tuesday 20 Apr 2004 09:02, James Richard Tyrer wrote:
>>1.	The lack of proper documentation.  The old documentation problem is
>>	common in the KDE project.
> Since you're not one to hold back zany new ideas, James, I'll run an idea past 
> you that Sander Devrize e-mailed me about. Why not set-up a documentation 
> wiki, run on the software that wikipedia uses, and put all the documentation 
> into that?
> I wouldn't have time to *join* any documentation team, and learn all the 
> tools, but I would probably, in my spare moments, be able to go along and add 
> a few words here and there if they're out of date. I might also be able to go 
> and contribute to the en_GB i18n.
> The only question that would arise is: would the documentation teams be able 
> to effectively police it, and spot incorrect or malicious changes?
> What are people's thoughts?

Sounds like it is worth a try.  I don't think that I am a good enough 
writer to actually write documentation, but yes, I could also add a few 
comments here and there about things that could use improvement (or was 
missing) or rewrite a paragraph or two.  Especially if I was reading some 
documentation and found a problem.  Much better than clogging up BugZilla 
with documentation bugs.

Are the Docs for GB_English different from the ones from US_English.  Well 
it shouldn't be enough to prevent comments.


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