about Fundamental issues

Marc Heyvaert marc_heyvaert at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 20 13:36:37 CEST 2004

Hello James,

I found it also an extremely interesting article.

I agree completely about the lack of documentation
(and marketing I would add) as being one of the major
points why OSS is less atactive to the ordinary user
than commercial software.

The points about 'programming for the self' and the
'geekiness' or not knowing for which audience you
program are ok. But there are execptions! Notably KDE,
IMO because it is driven by the possibilities of Qt
and also because there is a lot of common ground
(kdelibs + kparts + kio, etc) which 'forces'
programmers to abide by certain standards.

Of course, there are negatives as well (like the
overwelming choice and bizarre structure of the menu,
e.g.), but overall I have the impression that this
project is still going strongly AND moving in the
right direction. I'm convinced that with Qt4 and more
people (also non-programmers) we can all continue to
push this project forward and nurture it towards a
viable alternative for Windows even for your average
computer user.

Have you read
http://doc.trolltech.com/qq/qq09-qt4.html about the
upcoming Qt4. I bet the bit about Scribe is something
that will interest you :)



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