KDE at Augsburger Linux-Infotag (DE)

Paul Brown paul.brown at kde.org
Tue Feb 13 18:11:54 GMT 2024

Hello Ulf and Michael,

> > are **not** promotional goals. They are the things you do to reach your
> > goals of increasing the number of users/contributors/community members,
> > raise funds, get companies interested in using our frameworks, etc.
> This is the main goal. Especially this an area in Southern Germany, where a
> lot of companies are placed not far away (Tuxedo, Audi, BMW, Continental,
> Bosch, ...).

If I understand you right then, the student will be engineering students? 
Maybe Software engineering students?

So would one of your goals be to encourage them to adopt KDE for projects and 
for their future jobs? What about encouraging them to contribute to KDE? You 
could also mention SoK and GSoC:


(That website isn't finished, by the way, but it does contain all the 
information they may need).

> > Goals help us determine what you will need to take with you and let's you
> > know what to say to attendees because you know where you want to take
> > them.
> Main goal, was to interest today Computer users, to evaluate a Distro, which
> provide a KDE desktop as well. Like you know, most today users use Gnome,
> Cinnamon, Mate, Xfce or similar. But not so many Distros are available with
> default KDE desktop.

I doubt you will meet distro packagers at this meeting, so this may not be 
relevant to your goals. Users have very little influence over what distros 
default to, unfortunately.

> We would show, that it is possible, to use KDE as daily driver for work and
> home work in an efficient way.

Okay. That is different. This goal sounds "Get more users to adopt KDE software 
(Plasma and Apps) and/or KDE technologies". This sounds really good!

It will help to get specific about what you can recommend. I talk about this 
later in this message.

> > ## Available Materials
> > We have a bunch of stuff you can already use.
> > - A large tablecloth with the KDE K and gear logo on it for the booth
> Mandatory
> > - A standup banner
> Nice to have
> > - A set of laminated "slides" with descriptions and QRs pointing to
> > important sites (for apps, Plasma, donations, outreach, etc.) -- see
> > attachment
> Optional, don't know if we really use it, depending on the table size.

These substitute flyers... and they do their job well. We have tried them and 
they work.

You would normally have these in a stack, so they won't take up much space on 
the table. The way they work is you interact with booth visitors, find out what 
they would be interested in and then show them the relevant card to scan. They 
are not meant to be just lying there or stuck to the tabletop.

 If you want people to walk away with information and not forget about you the 
moment they leave the building, you need these. Also, we already have a stack 
made, so we can sned them to you. 

That said, you may have your own ideas as to what to put on the cards. If you 
are trying to attract potential developers (for example, from among CS 
Students), maybe we should make a slide that links to the "for developers" 


It is is for students in general, we have a page for them too:


We can include these intot he slide show for you. We could also  print and 
laminate them for you if you want.

> > - A drawing tablet for Krita demos
> I don't know, if we need the drawing tablet, so at lest I have no Knowledge
> about Krita :-(

You don't really have to know much about Krita. It's main purpose it to 
attract visitors to your booth. Everybody likes something interactive!

You plug the tablet into a machine and it shows up like a second screen. 
Configure the tactile area for the pen and run Krita on this second screen. I 
would recommend configuring it before you get to the event. It is verys 

When it is ready, create a new document in Krita and leave it facing the 
publi. People will stop and draw stuff as they walk by. You don't have to do 
anything else. The attendees will figure it out.

> > Note the last item on that list is standing in for flyers, as we are not
> > doing those anymore. Flyers are difficult to design, expensive to produce,
> > an environmental hazard, and usually end up in the trash anyway.
> The idea is only something like a sticker, to be reminded. The available SW
> and tools I would show via Video in a loop. If I create an own one, I will
> share it later on my PeerTube account.

So for stickers you have... welll... stickers and their main purpose is 
branding. Their main purpose is to look good so people stick them to their 

For givin information attendees can walk away with we use the QR cards that 
link to specific web pages. Flyers are a waste of time and resources. Stickers 
which are big and contain a lot of informations tend to be ugly.

> > Instead, we invite attendees who require more information to scan a QR and
> > they get to read our virtual digital flyers (aka "websites") on their
> > phones. I mean, if they can do scan a QR to order food, you can do it at
> > tech conference, right?
> Is an option. But according my Knowledge not so often used. I would reduce
> it to one QR code, which is something like a starting page (like Carl have
> generated or the KDE.org page.

The kde.org is a great landing page, but tends to be very general (as it 
should be). There will be some people interested in Plasma, sure. But most 
people will be interested in apps. Then there will be people interested in 
apps for specific uses. It is not super-easy how to get this information from 
KDE's landing page. You have to click through several pages to get what you 
want, hence the variety of slides which take people immediately to where they 
want to go. 

That said, the first slide in the pack links to kde.org, so you have it all.

> > ## Stickers
> In the last years, there was about 400-500 visitors. I would expect about 50

Sorry... Do you mean 500?

We have three designs - see attachments. Would you like 200, 200 and 200?

> > IMPORTANT NOTE: If you need some or all of the above, we have to know how
> > to get it to you. Can you tell us where you are located so we can figure
> > out the logistics?
> We will check, if it is possible, to collect all material near Augsburg
> (e.g. someone from TH or from Augsburg (like e.g. Tuxedo which will most
> probably provide us some Hardware as well).

When we have collected all the items, we will send them to you.

> My Adress:
>  Ulf Bartholomäus
>  Wiesenstr. 18
>  78112 St. Georgen
>  Phone +49-172-7468375
>  https://lug-vs.org//lugvswiki/index.php/Benutzer:Ulf
> Michael:
>  Michael Singer
>  Schwedenweg 35
>  85560 Ebersberg
>  Phone: +49 1520 6444723
>  https://bluelupo.info/uebermich/

Good. We will get stuff sent to you.

> > Do that, get back to us and we'll place an order for you.
> We would send it back with the Tablecloth and other material after the
> event.

Oh, yes please!

> > ## Extras
> > The list:
> > - At least 2 laptops: One for demoing Plasma, one for demoing apps. If you
> > have a third one to run the QR slideshow, it won't hurt
> > - At least one large, standalone monitor. You use this to mirror whatever
> > is going on the demo laptops so people can see it from afar.
> In the moment we have 2 Notebooks (one from Michael and one from me).
> 1 Desktop PC (Intel Compute Stick and/oder Intel NUC) + ASUS MB16A small
> Monitor for slideshow. I check if I can put a 24" Monitor with me as well.
> Tuxedo will support us some Hardware as well (we will check with Vinz in a
> dedicated conversation.

Sounds great!

> > #### Optional but very good to have
> > 
> > - A Steam Deck (or some other Plasma-powered game console)
> > - A (Pine?)phone with Plasma Mobile installed
> We don't own this 😭

Ah! That's okay. They are great conversation starters. We are still building 
our "events kit". Hopefully we will be able to get some of these devices 
included at some point.

> > - Other electronics with KDE software embedded (Raspberry Pis, Risc V
> > SBCs,
> > etc.)
> I have a Raspberry Pi 400, with openSUSE Tumbleweed KDE (which should be
> beginning next Month run with Plasma6 as well.

Nice! Can you take it too?

> > ## Budget
> > 
> > Finally we have to figure out the budget. This typically includes the cost
> > of travel for booth staff, stickers (and cost of any other merch),
> > transport cost for materials, etc.
> We don't need any further Budget.

That's nice too! 😆


Promotion & Communication

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LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/kde
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