KDE at Augsburger Linux-Infotag (DE)

Ulf Bartholomäus ulfbart at gmx.net
Tue Feb 13 12:52:32 GMT 2024

Hi Paul and Aniqa,

after alignment with Michael, now the complete Answer.

Am Freitag, 9. Februar 2024, 14:37:22 CET schrieben Sie:
> We would first like to apologise beforehand for the extra bureaucracy we now
> put you through to get what you need for a successful event. Please
> remember this is new for us too and we still have to iron out the kinks. We
> do think it will make everything better in the long run: booth staff at
> events will have more and better materials, more expense coverage and a
> clearer idea of what they want to achieve.
No problem. I would propose to split later in to types of Support:
1. Full support: I think this would be respected till now very good
2. Small support: Like our idea, that some KDE users takes over all cost,
   beside some Products you need only to share for a limited time (see below)

> Speaking of, let's start with that:
> ## Goals
> [...]
OK, that I think are long time goals. But this won't happen for free according 
my/our experience. Our Idea was to be available on bigger Linux Days, which 
are not covered by someone else (like ALI or eventually something else like 

> Please note that things like
> - Raise awareness of KDE among students
> - Inform attendees (about Z)
> - Give out stickers
> - Etc.
That's not the focus but happens.
Keep in mind, today students will be work in some years at engineers or 
manager in (big?) companies. So this will be investment in the future.

> are **not** promotional goals. They are the things you do to reach your
> goals of increasing the number of users/contributors/community members,
> raise funds, get companies interested in using our frameworks, etc.
This is the main goal. Especially this an area in Southern Germany, where a 
lot of companies are placed not far away (Tuxedo, Audi, BMW, Continental, 
Bosch, ...).
> Goals help us determine what you will need to take with you and let's you
> know what to say to attendees because you know where you want to take them.
Main goal, was to interest today Computer users, to evaluate a Distro, which 
provide a KDE desktop as well. Like you know, most today users use Gnome, 
Cinnamon, Mate, Xfce or similar. But not so many Distros are available with 
default KDE desktop.

We would show, that it is possible, to use KDE as daily driver for work and 
home work in an efficient way.

> ## Available Materials
> We have a bunch of stuff you can already use.
> - A large tablecloth with the KDE K and gear logo on it for the booth
> - A standup banner
Nice to have
> - A set of laminated "slides" with descriptions and QRs pointing to
> important sites (for apps, Plasma, donations, outreach, etc.) -- see
> attachment
Optional, don't know if we really use it, depending on the table size.

> - A drawing tablet for Krita demos
I don't know, if we need the drawing tablet, so at lest I have no Knowledge 
about Krita :-(

> Note the last item on that list is standing in for flyers, as we are not
> doing those anymore. Flyers are difficult to design, expensive to produce,
> an environmental hazard, and usually end up in the trash anyway.
The idea is only something like a sticker, to be reminded. The available SW 
and tools I would show via Video in a loop. If I create an own one, I will 
share it later on my PeerTube account.

> Instead, we invite attendees who require more information to scan a QR and
> they get to read our virtual digital flyers (aka "websites") on their
> phones. I mean, if they can do scan a QR to order food, you can do it at
> tech conference, right?
Is an option. But according my Knowledge not so often used. I would reduce it 
to one QR code, which is something like a starting page (like Carl have 
generated or the KDE.org page.

> IMPORTANT NOTE: If you need some or all of the above, we have to know how to
> get it to you. Can you tell us where you are located so we can figure out
> the logistics?
We will check, if it is possible, to collect all material near Augsburg (e.g. 
someone from TH or from Augsburg (like e.g. Tuxedo which will most probably 
provide us some Hardware as well).

My Adress:
 Ulf Bartholomäus
 Wiesenstr. 18
 78112 St. Georgen
 Phone +49-172-7468375

 Michael Singer
 Schwedenweg 35
 85560 Ebersberg
 Phone: +49 1520 6444723

> ## Stickers
> We can also provide you with stickers. For this we need to have an estimate
> of how many people will attend the event so we can place an order. The best
> way to find out then number of attendees is by contacting the organizers
> and ask what the attendance was like in prior years.
In the last years, there was about 400-500 visitors. I would expect about 50 

> Do that, get back to us and we'll place an order for you.
We would send it back with the Tablecloth and other material after the event.

> ## Extras
> The list:
> - At least 2 laptops: One for demoing Plasma, one for demoing apps. If you
> have a third one to run the QR slideshow, it won't hurt
> - At least one large, standalone monitor. You use this to mirror whatever is
> going on the demo laptops so people can see it from afar.
In the moment we have 2 Notebooks (one from Michael and one from me).
1 Desktop PC (Intel Compute Stick and/oder Intel NUC) + ASUS MB16A small 
Monitor for slideshow. I check if I can put a 24" Monitor with me as well.

Tuxedo will support us some Hardware as well (we will check with Vinz in a 
dedicated conversation.

> #### Optional but very good to have
> - A Steam Deck (or some other Plasma-powered game console)
> - A (Pine?)phone with Plasma Mobile installed
We don't own this 😭

> - Other electronics with KDE software embedded (Raspberry Pis, Risc V SBCs,
> etc.)
I have a Raspberry Pi 400, with openSUSE Tumbleweed KDE (which should be 
beginning next Month run with Plasma6 as well.

> ## Budget
> Finally we have to figure out the budget. This typically includes the cost
> of travel for booth staff, stickers (and cost of any other merch),
> transport cost for materials, etc.
We don't need any further Budget.

> ## TODOs
> To summarise, what we need from you is:
> - A list of goals
> - A list of materials you think you may need
> - Your current location
> - An estimate for travel costs
Not required
> - An estimate of the number of attendees (for stickers)
> - Information about anything else you may need.
> Let us now what you think and, again, apologies for the long list of TODOs
> and thank you for covering this event.
See on top

Michael & Ulf

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