Promoting GnuPG support for Okular and addition to Gpg4win

Andre Heinecke aheinecke at
Thu Jul 13 13:04:51 BST 2023


On Friday, 09 June 2023 15:34:27 CEST Andre Heinecke wrote:
> No the AppImage will be downloadable from
> index.html under GnuPG Binary releases. We call this one "GnuPG Desktop" 
> without the VS (to increase confusion ;-) ) and it comes in the exact 
> as our Gpg4win binaries.
> The AppImage is not yet done though but we have seriously started on that, 
> originally we planned to release for Windows without it and only provide it
> a bit later but due to the delays we have on the Windows side the AppImage
> will  be ready for testing and screenshots and so on before the Windows
> release happens.

So we now have an AppImage and a Windows version. I am currently in the last 
stages of the release and will tag our versions today and publish them 

We will do a little website to explain whats new in the next version and that 
will include Okular of course.

So I will send you links to the announcements and so on tomorrow, but I just 
wanted to give you a heads up so that you are not surprised that we release 
right now before getting back to you.

The reason for this is that we will not do "more" then a normal release 
announcement for now. This is mainly because after testing etc. I don't feel 
that the UX is ready for prime time yet. For example when you verify a 
document it currently freezes up Okular while the verification happens and 
there are other things like certificate details and certificate selection etc. 
which are just not there where I would like to see them.

Similarly for the AppImage, you will have to start it with a command line 
parameter to get Okular instead of Kleo and we don't really know yet how we 
will integrate it into a "normal" users experience etc. 

Currently I don't really want users e.g. after reading an article on a Press 
page to try this out and be disappointed. But functionally everything is 
working very nicely and stable, so as a technical preview this is already 
extremely useful. esp. since our largest customers indicated that they will 
try this out. :)

And Sune continues working on it, some of the problems are already solved but 
can't make it into the release for other reasons so everything is great from 
our side. And if we then do a press release when we put it into our commercial 
variant this also resolves the awkwardness between Gpg4win / GnuPG VS-Desktop 

Regarding a dot story, I also think that has time for after Akademy and that 
there is no real time pressure. 

Best Regards,

-- - a brand of g10 Code, the GnuPG experts.

g10 Code GmbH, Erkrath/Germany, AG Wuppertal HRB14459
GF Werner Koch, USt-Id DE215605608,

GnuPG e.V., Rochusstr. 44, D-40479 Düsseldorf.  VR 11482 Düsseldorf
Vorstand: W.Koch, B.Reiter, A.Heinecke        Mail: board at
Finanzamt D-Altstadt, St-Nr: 103/5923/1779.   Tel: +49-211-28010702
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