Looking for help with plasma bigscreen website content

Paul Brown paul.brown at kde.org
Fri Sep 16 08:15:31 BST 2022

On Friday, 16 September 2022 07:22:51 CEST Aditya Mehra wrote:
> Hi,

Hello Aditya ,
> I am looking for help with updating the contents of the Plasma Bigscreen
> website, the idea is to make the messaging around what the project is all
> about more clear and easier to understand for Users on the website, Some
> way we can promote what the project does and its sub components like the
> browser / media player do and how Users can interact and install or
> contribute to the project.

The website looks quite good, but, yeah, we could probably improve the order 
of the layout and re-write some of the texts. 

> The project now being made public with Plasma 5.26 beta release, seems to
> have gotten a mixed / confused reaction review to what it is all about, so
> it would be nice if we can figure out what could be done to help this
> situation.

Sure. We are bit busy with the Kdenlive fundraiser and Akademy right now, but 
we could start a taks on Phab and discussing possible improvements in the 

We could also think about promoting it more and using the promotional messages 
as a way of clarifying what PBS is all about.


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