Laptop with KDE Mascot printed

Paul Brown paul.brown at
Wed Mar 16 13:11:02 GMT 2022

On Wednesday, 16 March 2022 04:05:52 CET Aleix Pol wrote:
> Much like all of our software, all of our artwork sure is available for
> people to reuse in very accessible licences.
> What we are discussing here is what we promote, where we put our focus.
> Is our vision that as many devices as possible with KDE artwork should be
> roaming in the universe?
> Or can we continue nurturing our relationship with hardware partners to
> actually provide a meaningful KDE and Plasma experience?

Or both. From what can be perceived as frivolous, you can reach depth (sorry 
for the paperback pop psychology there). For example: one of our most popular 
and used applications by far is GCompris. Literally used by millions of kids 
worldwide, it is so ubiquitous, we cannot keep up with all the new 
institutions we discover using it everyday.

It is a software that is popular among young children and I would argue that, 
before liking it for the interesting challenges it poses, kids are first 
attracted to its bright colours and cartoon characters.

Visual attractiveness is an excellent way to draw the public's attention to 
our products. In many scenarios, the only way.

Not all demographics we reach are serious, tech-oriented professionals, and 
many will be  attracted to KDE and become users, and even community members, 
through, among other things,  its more superficial side, such as it's pretty 
interface, cute dragons and so on.

One of Promo's main directives is "attract more users  to KDE". I  would argue 
that we should exploit everything that works to help achieve that goal.

As mentioned above, in no way will this route we exclude marketing KDE's more 
serious side to other audiences, notwithstanding.

TL; DR: It is not an "either ... or" matter. We can successfully do both.


Promotion & Communication


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