Laptop with KDE Mascot printed

Sandro Knauß sknauss at
Tue Mar 15 10:01:13 GMT 2022


> Tuxedo has this paid extension to add your logo on the laptop. Not sure if
> is for companies only ( seen like not ). Reference:

This can be done by everyone. You don't need to order as a company. An 
individual logo costs around 60€ on top.

> Can't we have an svg/image for KDE / Konqi like the one Sandro did but in
> an official way as everyone buying their laptops can be easily have access
> to it ( and a KDE keycaps to super too )

Great idea - Why not ask them? As Tuxedo is already KDE Patron they may be 
open to this ;) I think, if they get great design suggestions, they are happy 
to add those to their lists of options.



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