Looking for a mentor ( Session of KDE 2022 )

DrQuark thestrangequarks at protonmail.com
Tue Dec 28 07:25:52 GMT 2021

Hi, I am Karanjot Singh, a first-year computer science undergrad at some university in India. I am an open-source enthusiast and loves to contribute to it. I was going through some open-source programs and I stumbled upon SoK and since then I really wanted to contribute to KDE as my first DE is also KDE Plasma. I thought about contributing to some projects but I really didn’t have much experience in some of the languages used in that project so I thought maybe I should contribute to Promoting KDE over the world because when I was starting with Linux 2 years back, I also thought KDE PLASMA is a desktop environment and nothing else and now I want to make sure the next time someone knows there’s a whole community behind KDE and there are different applications. I have some experience with KDE software like Kdenlive, Krita, Qcompris etc and had some previous experience with marketing and targeting audiences.

So I want to contribute to KDE in the following ways in SoK 2022 and want someone to mentor me during the period.

- Translation/dubbed tutorials to some popular KDE Applications.

- Organising a real session for Gcompris and other KDE applications in Schools and organisations using Katie ( blender version ) just like Samsung did with Bixby.

- Writing blog posts, tutorials, interactive content on different social media channels promoting KDE eco-activities and also interacting through posts.

- Creating community-specific webpage like KDE for artists.

- Developing blender version of Katie.

I think this opportunity of participating in SoK can help me get started with the KDE community and in future this way I will be contributing to other roles too.

Any suggestions for the project will be appreciated and also I will be putting a detailed proposal after I find my mentor.


Karanjot Singh

Matrix: drquark:kde.org

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