Joint blog with KDAB about KDE Frameworks libraries

Paul Brown paul.brown at
Wed Jan 20 16:37:26 GMT 2021

On miércoles, 20 de enero de 2021 12:30:31 (CET) Frances Tait wrote:
> Hi Paul,

Hello Frances,

Sorry for not answering earlier. My email borked and I just got it back.

> An unrelated question: I’m writing a very short intro for our Kalle
> Dalheimer and Ivan Čukić for a C++ audience and want to mention their
> involvement in KDE. Is it accurate/ok to describe KDE like this (NOTE this
> is already longer than I need it to be, and the audience may not even have
> heard of KDE):
> "KDE, the free/open source, graphical environment project".

KDE used to be a synonym of that, but not anymore. KDE now describes the 
community. And the community creates KDE the software, which is not only the 
graphical desktop environment (which is now known as "Plasma").

KDE does develop Plasma, the desktop, correct, but also a bunch of popular 
apps, like Krita for digital artists; Kdenlive for video editors; Kdevelop for 
developers; Okular for reading, annotating and signing documents (like PDFs); 
LabPlot for data analysts; a full-featured web browser called Falkon; an 
educational suite of activities for kids from 2 to 10 called GCompris; Kontact 
for managing email, calendars, contacts, etc.; ... It is a very long list!

KDE also produces frameworks that facilitate development. Probably the most 
popular of which right now is Kirigami, that helps developers create software 
that works on all kinds of devices, like computers, mobiles, TVs, car 
infotainment systems, etc. But Kirigami is not the only framework either, but 
Ivan will be able to fill you in better than me.

> I wanted to emphasise the breadth of what KDE offers (not just desktop). If
> you have something punchy and SHORT that’s better, I’d be very grateful.
> SHORT NOTICE: I need it by this afternoon :-)

So, riffing off of Ivan's suggestion, maybe something like:

"KDE, the Community that produces the biggest free and open source C++ 
projects, ..."

or something like that?

Hope that helps.


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