Me too: "Kprinter has stopped working - Unable to start childprintprocess"

Goffioul Michael goffioul at
Mon Jan 29 13:18:01 CET 2007

> > Is it possible that the kdeprintd daemon (kded module) 
> isn't able to 
> > start a child process anymore? Is it possible for you to "talk"
> > directly to the module to see if it behaves correctly?
> > (it used to be possible with "dcop kded kdeprintd")
> Yes. I'm not at the office, but I phoned them in the 
> afternoon. They said "dcop kded kdeprintd openPassDlg root" 
> opened a password dialog.

Could you try the "print" command on the kdeprintd module?
This command has the following syntax:

print(QString cmd, QStringList files, bool remove_flag)

cmd: the command to execute, it could be any command
files: a list of files that will replace any "$out" tag in the command
remove_flag: a flag specifying if the "files" should be removed
after command completion

So, in theory, you should be able to do:

print("ls -l", QStringList(), false)


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