Authentication to CUPS from kprinter

Goffioul Michael goffioul at
Wed Sep 13 13:55:07 CEST 2006

> To me it looks like that the credentials are not delivered to CUPS or
> not in the right way. Could this be tested? (Maybe without 
> using ethereal)
> What I do not understand, what would cause kprinter to show an
> authentication popup, like the one for konqueror, and is kprinter able
> to do so?

Yes, it is. At least with CUPS-1.1.x. It does it by defining a callback
into the CUPS library, which should get called by that library. As no
password dialog pops up, it means that the callback gets not called,
which could be caused by how kdeprint formats its initial request.

At that point, it could be handy to monitor the IPP communication
kdeprint and CUPS. For people who compiles KDE themselves, this is
by editing kdelibs/kdeprint/cups/ipprequest.cpp and setting dump_ to 1
the IppRequest contructor (look for "IppRequest::IppRequest()"). Then
the job viewer in a terminal and look at the debug output.

I know I used several hacks to work around CUPS-1.1.x limitations, which
hope have disappeared in CUPS-1.2. Those hacks might be now a problem.
(for example, look for HAVE_CUPS_NO_PWD_CACHE in ipprequest.cpp).


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