Missing/corrupt PPD files?

Kurt Pfeifle kpfeifle at danka.de
Tue Apr 13 18:17:54 CEST 2004

jason.ahrens at rogers.com wrote:

> Hello.
> I have seen references peppered through the archives about
> missing tabs on the printer options pages. All of these 
> messages mention incorrect or bad PPD files.

Try to run

   cupstestppd /path/to/ppd


   cupstestppd -v /path/to/ppd

against the PPD file in question. cupstestppd will report any
problems it finds to you (with references to the official
Adobe-PPD-Spec doc).

"kaddprinterwizard" is also able to let "foomatic-*ppc" create
a PPD on the fly from the content of the Foomatic XML files
(describing printers, drivers and their capabilities). You
may have Foomatic packages missing if that doesn't work. Or
an old version of Foomatic may create in-valid PPDs if measured
with the ruler a newer cupstestppd uses....


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