Wrong margins using Minolta Pagepro with multiple pages.

James Richard Tyrer tyrerj at acm.org
Mon Sep 29 18:57:05 CEST 2003

Mikael Rosbacke wrote:
> Correct. I try to print using the option of multiple pages on each printed 
> page.
> Does your anwser mean that kdeprint is not really involved in the 
> postprocessing and I have to start modifying the cups packages? Or is it 
> driver related?
> If it is not too much of a trouble, this might be enough of an 'itch' for me 
> to scratch so I might evenually fix it.

IIUC, the program: "psnup" is what does the multiple pages.

I don't know if it sets the margins or if GhostScript does.

They both have provisions to set margins.  Normally, you would set the 
margins in GhostScript to the printable area of your printer.  So, if you 
wanted larger margins I would set them with: psnup.

Check the man page for: psnup and then try to find where the command line 
for psnup is.


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