CUPS printing and faxing problem

Kurt Pfeifle kpfeifle at
Sat May 17 19:12:04 CEST 2003

Stephen Liu wrote:

> Hi Kurt,
> On Sat, 2003-05-17 at 23:44, Kurt Pfeifle wrote:
>>- snip -
>>OK -- this established that you are *not* connecting to a remote
>>CUPS server, by means of a thusly configured client.conf
>>Remember, your previous "lpstat -r" seemed to proof that you
>>are connecting to one at all, while "ps aux | grep cupsd" said
>>you had no *local* cupsd. running.
>>What does
>>    ldd `which lpstat`
> # ldd `which lpstat`
> => /usr/lib/ (0x4002b000)
> => /usr/kerberos/lib/ (0x400bb000)
> => /usr/kerberos/lib/
> (0x40118000)
> => /usr/kerberos/lib/
> (0x40128000)
> => /lib/i686/ (0x42000000)
>         /lib/ => /lib/ (0x40000000)

This is not the "lpstat" command provided by CUPS. It looks
rather like the one provide by LPRng.

My suspicion is you have LPRng installed, plus CUPS, and the
LPRng daemon is running and the CUPS daemon is not.

Normally these two packages do conflict, Remove LRPng *and* *then*
*re-install* *CUPS*!

(If you are on the RedHat drug, read about their ability to
have both packages installed, and switch between the two. You
should especially learn how to close down the LPRng daemon and
start the CUPS daemon instead...)

Try this command:

    rpm -qa | egrep "(lp|cups)"

>>What about
>>    rpm -qif `which lpstat`
>>(For the last command I am assuming that you are using an
>>RPM-based Linux distribution since I can't remember if you
>>provided info abou this already....)

Could you please provide this info (again?) ? Which Linux
distro are you using? Which version?

> # rpm -qif `which lpstat`
> file /usr/bin/lpstat is not owned by any package

> B.Regards
> Stephen


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