KDEPrint on other *NIX platforms.

Matthias Posseldt kde-print@mail.kde.org
Sat, 22 Mar 2003 03:53:07 +0100

On Saturday 22 March 2003 00:25, Nick Bartolotti wrote:
> We'd like to use KDEPrint/CUPS as the recommended solution but I could
> not find if this is a legal combination on the OSes other than Linux.  I
> understand that CUPS will work on HP/Solaris, but did not find anything
> about KDEPrint working on these OSes.
> My assumption is that KDEPrint uses Qt or some other window library and
> for it to work on HP/Solaris it needs to be ported to use CDE.

No, since QT is a complete widget library and more KDEPrint hasn't to be 
ported to CDE. The first step is install QT, the second step is to install 
KDE. KDE is cross-platform too, so there should be no problem.

I don't know about binary packages for these platforms, but they most 
certainly exist somewhere on the net. But building its own packages from 
source isn't difficult either. You may want to ask a local sysadmin if you 
can't do that task.

Ciao, Matthias

"If liberty means anything at all,
it means the right to tell people
what they do not want to hear."

George Orwell