[Foomatic] Imageable area for HPIJS

Till Kamppeter kde-print@mail.kde.org
Sat, 11 Jan 2003 01:03:39 +0100

I have checked and these seem to be KDE Print bugs. XPP shows the 
correct margin settings (gtklp is also buggy).

Wolfgang Hoffmann wrote:
> Hello Till,
> I tried the unprintable margins. Basically it works, but I had to make two
> corrections by hand:
> 1. The foomatic-generated ppd-file has default papersize Letter. When
>     configuring the printer to default papersize A4 (via localhost:631 or
>     KDE printer setup in control center), the resulting ppd file contains
>     correct DefaultPageSize and DefaultPageRegion: A4, but still has
>     DefaultImageableArea and DefaultPaperDimension at Letter. Thus,
>     the imageable area doesn't fit. Since this happens both with the
>     web-interface and KDE's setup dialog, might that be a flaw in the
>     foomatic-generated ppd-file?

The PPDs are designed exactly as Adobe requires it. If the KDE Printing 
Manager does not switch the degault of the ImageableArea correctly, it 
is a bug of the KDE Printing Manager. I even do not know whether it is 
necessary to switch the default of the ImageableArea, if an applications 
generates a document in A4, it should consult the '*ImageableArea A4: 
"..."' line, not the "*DefauiltImageableArea: ..." line.

> 2. After correcting the above manually, it seems that top and bottom margins
>     are swapped. Bottom should be the 36pt margin, shouldn't it?

I have looked. In kprinter the upper and the lower margin are always 
shown equal, here always the value of the lower border (second figure in 
'*ImageableArea' line) is inserted. In xpp you see all the borders 
correctly. gtklp only shows borders defined in /etc/cups/lpoptions or 
~/.lpoptions, not the borders from the '*ImageableArea' lines (I looked 
always on the tab for the text file options).

I have tested on the HP PSC 950 (HPIJS 1.3) with A4, Photo with 
tear-off-tab, Oufuku and Hagaki, and on the Epson Stylus C70 (current 
CVS of GIMP-Print 4.2.x) and they both work correctly.

Mike, can you check KDE Print?
