StarOffice with Kprinter

Matthias Posseldt matthi at
Thu Apr 24 21:26:28 CEST 2003

On Thursday 24 April 2003 18:06, Gugão wrote:
> Is it possible change the printer manager from Staroffice 5.2 to Kprinter ?
> How could I do it ?

You can configure a new printer to print to "kprinter" instead of a real 
printer. To do this you'll need to start "spadmin" (Printer Administration) 
and select "New Printer". Then you choose "printer". In the driver list you 
may want the Acrobat Distiller driver which produces high quality Postscript 
with embedded fonts etc. The next window asks for a command line to print to 
the printer. Enter "kprinter --stdin" (--stdin is not needed for KDE 3.1 or 
higher). Then finish the configuration.

If you now print to the new printer you'll get the kprinter dialog (after the 
print dialog of StarOffice, though) and can use the advanced features of 
KPrinter (CUPS integration comes to mind). With the Acrobat Distiller driver 
you can also create high quality PDFs that look fine in Acrobat Reader 
(keyword: T3 vs. T1 postscript fonts) with the "Print to PDF" pseudo printer.

Ciao, Matthias

"If liberty means anything at all,
it means the right to tell people
what they do not want to hear."

George Orwell

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