printing from nedit

Thomas Siegmund
Wed, 20 Mar 2002 11:26:06 +0100


I noticed a problem with printing from Nedit (5.2) with current KDE3 (rc3): 

My nedit printer command before KDE3 was

kprinter  -J"Untitled"

Under KDE2.2 this brought up the kprinter dialog and everything worked as 
expected. Now the dialog comes up completely frozen (no input, no redraw), 
and when killed it takes the editor down too. 

kprinter --stdin -J"Untitled" does the same. Only

kprinter --stdin --nodialog -J"Untitled"

works, but in this case I miss the comfort of kprinter. You get used to it :-)

Of course I am not sure if this is a problem of kprinter or of nedit, all I 
can tell is that it worked in KDE2.2.

Small sidenote: the german i18n of kprinter has a bug: kprinter -help gives:

  --stdin                   Drucken aus STDIN sperren

("Block printing from STDIN")

what is quite the opposite of what it really does. 

Qt: 3.0.3
KDE: 2.99 (3.0 rc3)
kde-config: 1.0
Nedit 5.2

qt-copy and KDE are compiled from sources, nedit too. 

System: SuSE 7.3



Thomas Siegmund
Freie Universität Berlin
Institut für Genetik
Arnimallee 7
14195 Berlin
Tel: +49 30 838 54868
Fax: +49 30 838 54395