Copyright holders email addresses

Jaison Lee lee.jaison at
Tue Jun 20 15:09:26 CEST 2006

On 6/18/06, Lauri Watts <lauri at> wrote:
> > 1) Require the word 'Copyright'.
> > 2) Accept but do not force the use of (c).
> > 3) Eliminate all occurrances of (C) on the grounds that it is misleading.
> C, in either lower or upper case, in or outside a pair of braces, does not
> provide any protection, and is not just misleading, it is meaningless. you
> may as well allow 7y3 as a copyright symbol, because it will have as much
> effect. This pointless pseudo-notation should be firmly and clearly outlawed,
> in my opinion.

As I stated in next email I sent to this thread, GMail "helpfully"
converted all the copyright symbols I used in this email to
capital-c-in-parenthesis. Please always try and read the whole thread
before responding to emails in the middle. Now things are even more
confusing than they already were, and you are accusing me of saying
things that I never did.

In point of fact, you and I are in total agreement: I believe
c-in-parenthesis should absolutely be removed from all files, but I
don't appear to be drumming up much support for this. I believe the
objection is usually that "they don't hurt anything by being there
because they are meaningless."

FWIW, I would also be in favour of removing any occurances of 7y3 from
copyright notices as well.  :)

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